Volunteers and Landis: A Perfect Pairing

By Louise Polli

Shawn and Ter­rence Bevins helped com­plete the new Med­i­ta­tion Cen­ter and direct­ed traf­fic at the plant sales, while Anne Bevins staffed the cashier’s table. Dave Roy orga­nized the annu­al 5K For­est Run. Flo­rence Grimm and Cindy King prop­a­gat­ed Lan­dis-grown seedlings. Gus Pol­li repaired wag­ons and equip­ment and served as an Arbore­tum ambas­sador at pub­lic events.

And each one has been rec­og­nized for their ser­vice as an out­stand­ing Lan­dis volunteer.

The Arbore­tum thrives with the help of a tal­ent­ed net­work of indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies that vol­un­teer their time, through­out the year or at spe­cif­ic times or events. They all bring a host of skills and inter­ests — gar­den­ing, bak­ing, bee­keep­ing, and the like — but also web design, social media, data­base man­age­ment, and more.

What is your pas­sion? There is a place for you as a Lan­dis vol­un­teer. Oppor­tu­ni­ties can be found on-site in Esper­ance on our hun­dreds of acres, as well as online, with the help of your lap­top or oth­er device. Some vol­un­teers com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er by Zoom or email. One way or anoth­er, the job gets done, and Lan­dis appre­ci­ates every­one that makes it hap­pen. Each fall the Arbore­tum cel­e­brates the ser­vice of all its vol­un­teers, and names the recip­i­ents of its Great Oak and Vol­un­teer of the Year awards. Take a look at our awardees here and you may rec­og­nize a dear friend or neighbor.

Whet your appetite for com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice at the Arbore­tum. Vol­un­teers and Lan­dis: it’s a per­fect pairing.

The year 2021 brings new and return­ing ini­tia­tives and pro­gram­ming to Lan­dis. If you would like to explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties for ways you can join us as a vol­un­teer, please con­tact Anne Don­nel­ly, Vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor, at Volunteering@​LandisArboretum.​org or (518) 2347502.

Spring 2021

Volume 39 , Number 1

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