It's almost time for Landis' Signature Plant, Book, and Bake Sale!

spring 2023 plant sale

Spring has sprung, and Lan­dis is ready!

We’ve been dust­ing off the lit­tle red wag­ons, prop­a­gat­ing in our green­house, and mak­ing con­nec­tions with our plant con­signors — all in prepa­ra­tion for the Spring Plant, Book, and Bake Sale. It’s a can’t-miss event for gardeners! 

We still need a few great vol­un­teers — if you are avail­able, please email volunteering@​landisarboretum.​org for more information.

Pick of the Pots Sale (POPS) Fri­day, May 19

The sale starts a day ear­ly for mem­bers, with the mem­bers-only Pick of the Pots Sale (POPS) from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Mem­bers are invit­ed to join us for the best choice of won­der­ful plants, includ­ing rare and unusu­al plants scout­ed out by Lan­dis vol­un­teer, board mem­ber, and gar­den design­er Amy Howan­sky. Com­pli­men­ta­ry snacks and bev­er­ages will be available.

Best of all, there’s no cost to mem­bers for the Pick of the Pots Par­ty — except, of course, for the plants, books, and good­ies that you can’t resist tak­ing home with you! Not a mem­ber? Don’t wor­ry! You can join right there and then.

May 20 & 21, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM

The sale is open to every­one, mem­bers and non-members. 

Many gar­den­ers wait impa­tient­ly to find out what plants or plant groups will be fea­tured in Lan­dis’ sales. Of course, there will be hun­dreds of peren­ni­als, shrubs, grass­es, and trees for a range of con­di­tions, includ­ing many unusu­al vari­eties, plus organ­ic veg­etable seedlings and herbs, and annu­al flow­ers includ­ing hang­ing bas­kets. Gar­den­ers return year after year for strong, vibrant plants.

There are always some spe­cial fea­tures at our sales. We’ll be updat­ing infor­ma­tion on ven­dors on our Face­book page as we near the date.

Take advan­tage of our plant experts

  • Our rov­ing team of plant experts will advise you about select­ing the right plants for the right places and how to plant and care for them. .

Vis­it the Bulb Bar.”

  • Grab a bag­gie and select your choice of bulbs, corms, or tubers. 

Rare and Unusu­al Spec­i­men” plants

  • We will offer lim­it­ed num­bers of Rare and Unusu­al Spec­i­men” plants, cho­sen because of their unique char­ac­ter­is­tics. Try out a dwarf ever­green or an inter­est­ing shrub with var­ie­gat­ed leaves. More infor­ma­tion will be avail­able on our Face­book page on exact­ly which plants we’ll have. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: There will be lim­it­ed sup­plies of these fea­tured plants. Your best bet at get­ting one (or sev­er­al) is to come to the mem­bers-only Pick of the Pots Sale (POPS) on Fri­day, May 13, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Mem­bers receive a 10% dis­count on plant pur­chas­es. Not a mem­ber? Don’t wor­ry — you can join at the gate!

Small Trees and Shrubs for Small Spaces”

  • Check out our care­ful­ly curat­ed col­lec­tion of Small Trees and Shrubs for Small Spaces.” 

Pol­li­na­tor Plants” 

  • Browse our Pol­li­na­tor Plant” cat­e­go­ry, which will fea­ture plants that pro­vide nec­tar, pollen, seeds, or nest-build­ing materials.

Lan­dis Grown”

  • We’ll have beau­ti­ful hang­ing bas­kets and Fred Lape orig­i­nal Corkscrew Wil­lows among oth­er strong and healthy Lan­dis Grown choices.

And books — and baked goods, too!

As won­der­ful as the plants are, this is not just a plant sale. While you’re at Lan­dis, take a break to browse the used book sale at the Book Shop in the Barn, per­haps to find some­thing to expand your knowl­edge of gar­den­ing or nature, cook­ing or trav­el, fic­tion or non-fic­tion to read after you’ve com­plet­ed a sat­is­fy­ing day of gar­den­ing. And don’t for­get our ever-pop­u­lar bake sale: always a great selec­tion of home­made treats at good prices! 


  • Start­ing times and dates for the sale are firm:
  • Mem­bers Only Pick of the Pots Sale (POPS), May 19, Fri­day, 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM
  • May 20 & 21, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM
  • Pur­chas­es may not be made pri­or to the sale. The Arbore­tum can­not set aside plants pri­or to the sale.
  • Please park cars in our upper park­ing area next to the Meet­ing House.
  • Hand­i­capped park­ing and drop-off space is avail­able. Please inform the park­ing atten­dants of your needs.
  • Sor­ry: dogs are not allowed at the Plant Sale.
  • Arbore­tum plant experts will be avail­able all week­end to answer your ques­tions and to pro­vide sug­ges­tions and advice on plant selec­tion, site require­ments, and prop­er plant­i­ng and care techniques.
  • Restrooms and pic­nic tables are avail­able for your convenience.
  • Have your mem­ber­ship card handy for quick­er check­out (10% dis­count for mem­bers). Not a mem­ber? We’ll be hap­py to help you join.
  • Vol­un­teers from Arbore­tum-spon­sored Boy Scout Troop 501 will be avail­able to help those need­ing assis­tance in get­ting pur­chas­es to their vehicles.
  • You may make pur­chas­es with cash, check, or cred­it card.
  • All pur­chased items must be removed by 4:00 PM Sun­day. Lan­dis does not make deliv­er­ies and is not respon­si­ble for items left after 4:00 PM on Sunday.

For more infor­ma­tion, call the Arbore­tum at 5188756935

or email us at info@​landisarboretum.​org.

Spring 2023

Volume 41 , Number 1

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