A Message from the Communications Committee

By Nolan Marciniec and Louise Polli

In these uncer­tain times, it is no sur­prise that the events at the Arbore­tum have been can­celled through the end of June, as rec­om­mend­ed by the governor’s pol­i­cy on reopen­ing. We will apprise our Arbore­tum friends of any changes to the Lan­dis sched­ule online on our web­site and Face­book page and by a Con­stant Con­tact mailing. 

The good news is that the Arbore­tum remains open to vis­i­tors, dawn to dusk, and that we have had an unprece­dent­ed num­ber of guests dur­ing the cur­rent health cri­sis. We ask that you prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing and wear a mask when approach­ing others. 

Lan­dis has been hard hit by the finan­cial con­se­quences of can­celling pro­grams and our Spring Plant Sale, and we would appre­ci­ate any sup­port you can provide.

The Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mit­tee has decid­ed to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring you a spe­cial Sum­mer 2020 issue of the newslet­ter. It con­tains some of the best arti­cles from the past 20 years. In it you will find a mem­o­rable mix of arti­cles about the peo­ple, the plants, and the events that make the George Lan­dis Arbore­tum a very spe­cial place. Check out the intro­duc­tion to each arti­cle or vin­tage pho­to to find infor­ma­tion on the date of its orig­i­nal appear­ance in our newslet­ter, and enjoy the walk down mem­o­ry lane. Cur­rent fea­tures such as this issue’s We Appre­ci­ate” arti­cle by Gail Brown­ing about the Boy Scouts, and our memo­r­i­al trib­ute arti­cle to recent­ly deceased Anne Jaster, also appear.

Summer 2020

Volume 38 , Number 2

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